Made for Men – The Edge

Made for Men

Mens Urban Facial

60 mins - £55

The ultimate overhaul for male skin to protect against the harsh effects of shaving and the environment. Using a black algimud face mask to clean, calm irritation, nourish and moisturise skin. Feel and see the difference.

Foot Recovery

45 mins - £40

Rejuvenate tired feet and prevent the build up of hard skin, nails and calluses. Feet are soaked, nails cut and filed, hard skin removed, cuticles tidied and then finished with a relaxing foot and lower leg massage.

Maintenance Man...icure

60 mins - £39.50

Essential for restoring hard working hands to their optimum condition. Nails and cuticles are soaked, moisturised and tidied and then treatment is finished with a relaxing hand massage.

Deep Tissue Massage

This massage will release muscle tension and increase both the lymphatic and circulatory systems within the body. Excellent for anyone wanting a firmer massage.


Find a male maintenance package for you!

Back Wax

30 mins - £28

Chest Wax

30 mins - £28

Eyelash Tinting

30 mins - £23.50

Eyebrow Grooming

10 mins - £14